Strategy Meeting 2016

The CETE Strategy Meeting took place on 20th and 21st of October 2016 at the University of Duisburg-Essen. This strategy meeting helped our network to develop strategies to increase growth and to plan new actions to become more successful in the next years.
CETE book series
The agenda was filled with important points to discuss but one of the highest priority items was the CETE book series. On the meeting we announced that the first CETE book Vol.1 "Technology Education Today - International Perspectives" is now available (you can read more about it under the point ‘Publication’). In addition, all contributions for the next CETE book Vol.2 are submitted to the network and will be reviewed and printed soon. This book represents one of CETEs aims – to support young academics in the field of Technology Education and it involves all findings of the CETE Summer School 2016. The CETE book Vol.3 is planned as an overview of German research in the field of Technology Education. Findings as well as methods and approaches of the research will be commentated and discussed on an international level.
Current projects and calls
A second high priority item of CETE contains the gain in knowledge by research projects in Technology Education. So the agenda includes time to present current projects of the network. They have been discussed and presented not only to the whole network but also to the advisory board members of CETE. Furthermore, the network invited colleagues of the ‘Science Support Center’ from the University of Duisburg-Essen, which presented international calls and project fundings such as H2020 and COST. Together we worked on an action plan to apply for different research fundings.
Teacher Training 2017
The third important priority of CETE is to introduce new findings of Technology Education into schools and to teachers that is why international Teacher Workshops are planned for November 2017 (you can read more about it under the point ‘Events’). These will take place from 06.-07. November 2017 at the University of Duisburg-Essen and offer courses for teachers of primary schools up to vocational training.